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Friday, 28 October 2011

Experimental Food Society - The Exhibition

The Experimental Food Society held an exhibition at The Truman Brewery, and on Saturday the ever fragrant Nick Bam and I headed down ready to fill our tummies. 

The exhibition took place over 3 location of the Truman Brewery, kind of like the Stag and Dager festival but with more people. 

Stefan Gates, food adventurer, was on hand with a gastronomic lunch box delight and ready to talk us through what exactly we were eating. 

Nick Bam going in on these jellyfish noodles. Jellyfish are massively low cal (because they are mainly water) 

bum sandwich - a mature cheddar sandwich with basil that you sit on to warm up to 37.5C to activate all the flavours.

Pure gold wrapped sausage (please note mealworms in the background, i ate those too)

Katie Franklin's Pomp de Franc made a welcome apparence at the exhibition too, I first came across Katie's cake designs at the Fred Butler x Lazy Oaf collaboration launch with delicious puree filled cupcakes. 

These delicate little sponges baked in quails egg shells were aestically divine, and came in flavours like banana and dime bar + sour cream and cherry

best of the rest

DoDo sponge cake 

an Eiffel Tower made out of curly wurlys

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